kids tennis

Since the start of the current crisis related to COVID-19, Tennis Canada has been committed to making decisions favourable to fostering a safe sporting environment. In a time where we are experiencing an unprecedented crisis, this commitment includes the health and wellbeing of tennis players, no matter their level, as well as all Canadians in the communities where we live and play.

On April 9, while we were in the heart of the crisis, based on recommendations made by Public Health, Tennis Canada issued its recommendations and strongly advised that all players across the country refrain from playing the sport that they love so much.

Today, Tennis Canada recognizes that the situation has evolved and that different areas in Canada are affected in different ways. As a progressive deconfinement is being discussed more and more, we believe that it will be possible to make a progressive return to playing tennis in certain cities and regions in Canada, if this return is properly outlined.

If you live in a region where confinement measures have been lifted or modified by government authorities and that indoor and/or outdoor sporting facilities have reopened, we encourage you to start playing tennis again. Tennis is a unique sport which provides many benefits, particularly for people’s health and wellbeing, both mentally and physically.

However, the COVID-19 pandemic is continuing to create its share of challenges and concerns and we therefore believe that it is imperative to take certain precautions to ensure that tennis is being played in a safe environment for all. While there is still no evidence as to whether the virus can live on a tennis ball, we do know that contamination through respiratory droplets from one infected person to another can potentially survive on surfaces for up to three days. In order to prepare for a progressive return to tennis, Tennis Canada is issuing recommendations for players as well as for club administrators and anyone organizing tennis activities.
